"Working with Blue Phoenix Management on my first investment property has taken some of the uncertainty out of being a first-time landlord.
In less than a month they have placed tenants at top rental value. Sean met with me the day of closing and has help ensure certification of city
and state rental guidelines as well as handled any other concerns on the property. So far I have had a very positive experience and I'm looking
forward to working with them in the future on my next rental property."

“Blue Phoenix have been excellent in their management of a property and responsive to questions. I did not know what the expect with a management
company and have been impressed by their service and customer support.”

“I've waited 8 months to leave this review for Blue Phoenix Property Management because I was waiting for them to show me that they aren't too good to be true. I've worked with several other property management companies and I'm usually let down within the first 6 months. Whether it's unnecessary repair charges or lack of communication, I could never seem to find a good property manager. I thought it was just the industry norm. Time and time again the professionals at Blue Phoenix have treated me like I was their only client. The professionalism extends to my tenants and they've already told me they're going to renew their lease based on their experience with Blue Phoenix. I'm looking forward to growing with them for years to come.”

“Sean and his team have been a huge help in offloading property management work so we can spend time in other areas of our business. He’s responsive, knowledgeable of Baltimore rental laws (which there are a lot of!), and great with the tenants. It’s only been a couple of months but I am very impressed by what I’ve seen so far!”

“Baltimore Blue Phoenix Property Management was very helpful. When it came to the consultation, Sean was professional and knowledgeable about property management. The information that was given will help me become successful in my real estate investment business. Will recommend to other upcoming real estate investment companies.”

“Blue Phoenix provided me with professional and proficient services. Also, we listed several rental properties with them and Blue Phoenix has taken the worry off of my plate by providing complete and exceptional property management services! Thank you Blue Phoenix staff!!!”

“Blue Phoenix is the BEST!!! They are very responsive to your needs, VERY professional, and always keep you updated on any occurrences. Sean is the best at handling things quickly. Highly recommended and excited to see him go nationwide as well!️”